D = (X - Bi) - Y

Bi는 아래 자리에 빌려준 값. 입력이 된다.

위에서 빌린 수는 B로 표현되고, 진리표를 작성해보면 쉽다.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

entity FullSubtractor_vhdl is

	port (
		X, Y, bi	:	in	integer range 0 to 1;
		D, B		:	out	std_logic

end FullSubtractor_vhdl;

architecture arc of FullSubtractor_vhdl is

	signal	diff	:	integer range -2 to 1;


	process(X, Y, bi)
		diff <= X - bi - Y;
		if diff = -2 then		-- XYbi = 011

			D	<=	'0';
			B	<=	'1';
		elsif diff = -1 then	-- XYbi = 001, 010, 111
			D	<=	'1';
			B	<=	'1';
		elsif diff = 0 then		-- XYbi = 000, 101, 110
			D	<=	'0';
			B	<=	'0';
		else					-- XYbi = 100
			D	<=	'1';
			B	<=	'0';
		end if;

	end process;

end arc;

Posted by 쿨한넘